We want you to be completely satisfied with your by Olympia purchase. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, you may return your purchase for a full refund of the purchase price, by following these simple steps:
You must ship your Return to By Olympia within 10 days of invoice date,
Your Return must be in its original condition and may not be altered in any way, and
You must download and include the By OLympia RETURN FORM.
You should ship your Return via a traceable shipping method such as UPS, Fedex, DHL or Insured Parcel Post. Please contact us to alert us to expect the return. Please be sure to keep the Return Tracking Number until you receive your refund. The cost of returns are not paid for by Olympia and will not be reflected in your refund amount. Your return should be addressed to:
By Olympia. ATTN:
Online Returns Nieuwe Koekoekstraat 31, 3514EA, Netherlands
No credit or refunds will be issued after 10 days from the date the item was shipped unless we authorize it.
We will apply your refund to the original form of payment within 5 – 7 business days of receipt. You will be notified via email to the address listed on your account when the refund is applied. Your bank may require additional days to process and post the refund transaction to your account.
We do not offer merchandise exchanges. If you would like one by Olympia item in place of another, simply return your original purchase for a refund by following our Return Guidelines and place a new order for the item you would like.
If you received a gift purchased from the by Olympia Online Store, you may contact Customer Service to obtain the original order information. You may return the gift by following the above Return Guidelines. The refund will be applied to the original form of payment.
For any additional questions about Returns contact by Olympia Online Store Customer Service by email.